Greetings Everyone
Just a quick note to share some pictures of us before, during and after our time with the carnival. Hope you enjoy this pictorial look of us.
This is us Spring 2010 just days before we headed off to join the carnival.

Alice selling tickets in Lacey, WA

And Ron in the comfort of his seat in the ticket box in Lacey,WA

Us in Portland, OR for the two day Hispanic Festival

Us after a long weekend in Graham, WA for the Pierce County Fair. Click on the picture to see the sign we had made declaring us the "Wandering Workentins." We are finally beginning to look like true carnies!

Ron sporting his "do rag" - all the guys wear them for tear down. Notice any thing new?

Here's a better picture of his new tatoo (and his first and last one too!).

I wanted one to, all the gals have them. I got mine where it only shows when I want it to. Would love to have gotten purple ones but pink will do.

And here we are the first night of tear down. We, along with Dani, Tom, Danelle and Kerry shared a delightful dinner at Olive Garden to celebrate we finished the season with a bang. Dani, Danelle and I were the Customer Service workers for the Big Puyallup Fair. Was told we did a fantastic job!
Hope you enjoyed this glimpse of us during the past six months. I will be posting more in the next few days - pictures, thoughts, and happenings of our time with the carnival in 2010.