We have had a busy weekend. Full of fun and yet tinged with sadness. This is our last weekend here in Clarkston/Lewiston. Hard to believe it has been almost three weeks since we arrived here. We have spent a lot of time with Brandon, Danalyn, Max & Christopher. There has been soccer practices, soccer games, sleep overs, swimming, walks in the Fall crisp air, painting of pumpkins, good meals shared and lots of hugs & kisses. Here is a peak of what we did this past weekend.
First up Saturday morning we had breakfast. Grammy always looking for a shortcut and easy things to fix to eat picked up this can of pancake mix. You shake it up like whip cream and then put in the pan and voila pancakes.
Batter Blaster - looks easy enough. |
Christopher chowing down. His taste buds don't know much because the rest of us decided these were not worth eating and this Grammy will not be buying Batter Blaster again. Was fine for one time but never again. |
Christopher mesmerized (like his Uncle Jamie used to do). Just what was he mesmerized by... |
Cartoons!!! Max was busy getting dressed for soccer and Grammy & Grandpa were trying to clean up. |
Saturday morning after breakfast found us at the Clarkston Boys & Girls Club soccer fields. Max's team (in the bright green, Max #7) pulled out a win of 7 to 4. For a little while though we thought the blue team was going to win.
Danalyn & Christopher watching Max out on the soccer field. |
Max anticipating the ball coming at him. FYI ~ it is hard to get a face on shot at a soccer game ~ go figure. |
Max on his way to line up after the other team got a goal. |
Funny faces at Grammy. |
Brandon & Christopher having a serious discussion. Believe it had to do with Christopher not being able to go out on the soccer field with brother. |
Max behind the goalie getting ready to kick the ball in. |
Max on the run, telling the kicker he was ready for the ball to come his way. |
Max going after the ball ~ sorry Max for cutting off your head. |
Getting ready to go after the ball. |
After soccer we all came back to the motor home to do some cookie baking. I was used to the slice and bake cookies but now they come in little tiny circles and you just put them on the cookie sheet and bake. We made pumpkins and ghosts.
Christopher, in his Blaine sweatshirt, admiring the cookies as they were cooling. |
See the first cookie in the second row...he was showing Grandpa the cookies were cooled. Guess who got that one. |
Christopher gave it to Grandpa. Sorry for cutting of your head Grandpa. (This Grammy thinks she needs lessons in taking pictures). |
Christopher, not too sure about giving Grandpa the cookie. |
But he finally got one! |
Max ignoring Grammy who is trying to get their picture. Christopher is too busy eating his cookie. |
Today after taking the boys swimming we headed back to their house where Brandon & Danalyn were cooking up a delightful dinner. We had spiraled ham, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, fruit salad and bread sticks.
Sorry for the blurry picture but I wanted you to see the delightful fruit salad that Brandon made. This was the first time he had ever bought a fresh pineapple. He cut it out and made a boat. The salad was delicious with fresh pineapple, strawberries and grapes. |
The bakes spiral ham before being sliced for serving. |
Brandon and Danalyn putting the final touches on the table and dinner. |
Brandon putting the ham on the cutting board. First he had to figure how to get it out of the pan without it falling apart. One large fork and a spatula worked just great. |
Doesn't that ham looked scrumptious? |
Danalyn putting butter on the bread sticks. This Grammy learned to use a cube of butter and just rub it over the bread sticks before serving. Thanks Danalyn for teaching me something new. And they were delicious too. |
Brandon still working on getting that ham to the table. Now if the plate just doesn't fall off the stove. |
And dinner was served! Brandon said it was our Thanksgiving Dinner - we were together, they made a special meal, had a pretty tablecloth on the table with beautiful place settings. Ron and I are very thankful for the time we have had to spend with Brandon and his family these past few weeks. |
Christopher and Grandpa playing after dinner. |
Max checking out the architecture program he got for his birthday. He was designing a house with Grandpa's input. Never can hurt to have a plumber help to show you where to put the bathrooms. |
Brandon (a picture we need to just have right Danalyn?) |
Max thinking about his house plans. |
Grandpa reading to Christopher. His favorite story is Twas the Night Before Christmas but Grandpa found a Dr. Seuss book to read instead. |
Brandon and Danalyn. Aren't they the cutest? Thanks for being such wonderful hosts these past three weeks. |
We have had a great time here visiting and seeing the area. But now the time has come for us to head back to Blaine. We have business to take care of and other people to see.
See you all again soon.
Good to see you had a great weekend with family, those times are priceless, You will be back soon enough for another visit. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
Why is it that it always seems to be windy, rainy, and cold for watching soccer games? :)
Thanks for sharing your time in Lewiston with all of us. I sounds like you've had a wonderful, long visit. Now on to Blaine to see Opal! Have a safe trip.
It's always great to spend time with family!
Making me really miss my own granddaughters back in MD. Thinking about flying back for a few days in December. We will see.
Gosh, there is NOTHING like grandchildren is there? I am sure you enjoyed every moment.
Pancake mix in a bottle? That's super cool! It sounds you've been having a great time.
I can't wait to see you, but I can imagine your coming home is a tad bittersweet. I'm so glad you were able to have allt his time with Max and Christopher. I'll be praying for safe travel. The weather here is pretty rainy and blustery.
love you tons,
It's always fun to see family but hard to say goodbye. Have a safe trip to Blaine and see you in a few days!
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