Today I am thankful for a very loving and supportive husband who knows how to keep his wife's anxiety down. And no, I didn't need any medication for the anxiety.
Ron let me sleep in this morning. On Saturday and Sunday we are to open the lot at 8:00 a.m. The alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. Ron got up, covered me back up and started his day by making coffee and doing it quietly. I woke up at 8:30 feeling better than I did last night when I went to bed ~ remember yesterday's post.
We had a few more looky-lou's today. Sold one more tree to a sweet little couple with an eleven month old little boy. The little guy just smiled and smiled. For a fleeting second I thought about asking them if I could take their picture but then I got involved in collecting their money I forgot to ask. I did take a picture of the little family with their camera. Next time I will try to remember.
I promised yesterday to show more pictures. Here they are. Hope you like them.
The truck delivering our first load of trees. |
Jesse & Ron in front of our first load of trees ~ all 22 of them! |
Another view of our trees and the truck leaving to make another delivery. |
Alice hugging her first tree ~ actually trying to see if she can carry the darn thing. |
Yep ~ she can! |
Ron getting ready to drill a hole in the end of the tree. First time sellers get a drilling machine. It works pretty slick. Ron puts the tree on the stand, tightens the truck and pulls the lever and the drill does the work. |
The first tree on the grid. We have 32 grids, can have 128 trees ready for viewing on our lot. |
Here are the first 28 trees. See the grids on the front left...we move them there as they were at the back of the lot. Ron locked the grids and the drilling machine together so they can't walk away. |
A view of the lot with the extra lights we added. If you look closely you can see the two light strings. The top one is white lights with regular light bulbs. The bottom string is like welcoming lights...much prettier in the dark. |
Prettier in the dark ~ don't you agree. |
Ron and I did spend some extra time in prayer today. Turning the lot and all our trees over to Him. We believe He led us to this job and He knows what we need financially to keep us going this month and next. After praying we both seemed to be in better spirits. We had fun selling our one tree to the little family this evening. We wished them a Merry Christmas and to have fun decorating their tree. Encouraging them to put lots of lights on it for their little one to enjoy.
Thank you too, for your prayers for us as we walk through this adventure of selling Christmas trees. We know if we do it with a heart of love and faith that the Lord will bless us. We just have to continue to trust Him.
My dear sis,
God put you here for a reason. He put you at this spot, in this job, for His purpose. You may never know what that purpose is, you only need to trust His plan.
Don't get discourage, and don't lose faith. You are where He put you and you are doing His work. He will provide for you.
love you tons,
That drill is a bit different from the one we are using. We actually have to stand the trees into the drill and hold the tree straight while the drill puts the hole into it.
We had a really slow day because of the rain, we sold only 19 trees, a few looky sees but our guys got the lot full, we probably have about 300 trees up in the past few days. Our wreaths came in today and the inside of the tent is coming to life.
First thing in the morning, we will be flocking trees, a few for customers orders and other just to put them out for sale.
You guys sound like you have the right attitude, really interested in hearing more about your Christmas tree adventure.
Dear Sweet Ali, you're so thoughful to think of Neil and I when you have so much of your own to think about. Neil's been well to go see his mother a few times now. I thought I was getting over my cold but I think I kept setting myself back so I did nothing but totally rest and eat oranges and drank gatorade and orange juice today.
I read the post about your dinner and it looked terrific. I can't believe you did all that in a motor home. My hat is off to you!!!
Your trees look so so pretty. I hope you filled with many blessing of more smiling faces out there. I know you and Ron are put there to be a special blessing to someone or many. I'll be praying right along with your other friends for many trees to be sold. Like you I fight depression and know what a battle it is. Stay strong Sweetheart and know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you.
Love, Tracy :)
PS. I love WA.
Looks like you two are getting "the hang" of your new adventure. Also appears to me that you will be in contact with many people over the next several weeks. You just never know who's life you are going to touch or how. Keep the FAITH!
Ali I remember not being able to get a tree till the first and the the days!!
Will keep praying for your trees!!
Hugs Cindy
I have to agree. From my experience when I used to buy live trees, I never bought one until around Dec 10. ( I know they were probably sitting around on the lot LOONNNGGGG before then).
And after a few days you would have trained yourself, quite well at that Thank you!
I have a question you can answer in your next post (if you don't think it is to intrusive or personal.)
It's about how you are paid. Do you get paid per hour, per person? Per day as a couple? Or a commission based on the number of trees you sell?
I'm hoping all goes well for you.
Wow! What an enterprise you are engaged! You're right in the midst of all the impending holiday action! What a great way to be immersed in the season!
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