The Wandering Workentins

The Wandering Workentins ~ Ron & Ali: God loving, couple with two great sons, two delightful daughters-in-loves and five wonderful grandchildren, Max, Opal, Christopher, Treyson and Alexander. Following the Lord wherever He leads. Travel along with us as we visit family, friends, work wherever He lands us all the while trusting Him every step of the way. We enjoy meeting new people and seeing new things along life's journey.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Having Fun in Branson with Friends

Life is busy, busy, busy 
here at 

and we do know how to have some fun.

After a very busy day:

Ron changed all the 
out of the upper & lower restrooms along with the cabin

and then put in new 


that is new smoke alarms, not a new doggie, in the cabin and the upper & lower restrooms.

Cleaned the 


along with the regular chores of picking up garbage and other little things

while Ali 


Fretted over the printer not working


and made new office forms


Checked in guests

and finally remembered to 


eat an apple

We went to see 

Miss Barbara Fairchild

and her wonderful hubby, Roy Morris

and enjoy seeing our friends Mike & Elaine dancing on stage to celebrate their anniversary

along with Barbara's sweet grand-daughter

Elaine & Ali~ so fun to be with friends!!!

A great, fun and busy day was had by all!!!

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