Wow! Wow!
Is all I can say.
We have had some doozy storms lately.
Wednesday night, 5/29 we were sitting in the rig. I was crocheting and Ron was reading RV Forum on the Ipad when the NOAA Weather Radio alarm went off startling both of us to say the least. It had not been a stormy day so the alarm was definitely unexpected. The calm voice on the other end said "Seek shelter now! Severe Thunderstorms have been spotted in the Coffeyville, KS area." So we started to gather our things and then the alarm went off again "Seek Immediate Shelter NOW! Winds of 70 mph are rapidly approaching." We couldn't move fast enough. Got in the Jeep to head to the shelter. It was raining hard, I called Debra the manager of the campground and we stopped by Jesse & Ryans. Told them about the storm warnings. And we continued to the shelter. We were there from 8:28 p.m. till almost 10:00 p.m. ~ no one else came. Made me wonder what people are thinking when NOAA makes those announcements...its not a game...lives are in serious danger. We stayed till the all clear.
We returned to the rig and got settled for the night. Both said a prayer that the storms would pass us by and we would get a full nights rest.
Thursday morning was overcast. We had a few errands to run so we made a quick trip to the Post Office and Country Mart. One sweet older lady said to us as she was heading into the store and we were going to our car. "Make sure you pick me up if I topple over :) " We all chuckled and said we would. We watched her safely get into the store while we loaded the groceries into the Jeep and before heading back home.
Shortly after we got home, Ron commented that the skies were sure getting dark.
(Sorry the first three pictures were taken from the rig looking outside through the window with our screen on it)
But you get the idea...the skies were not very pretty.
Took the above picture just before the skies opened up. And then it rained. It hailed. And rained some more! The wind was blowing somewhat but never got above 50 mph. Not only were we listening to the weather radio we also had the radar on our computer. It helps to see what is coming
And then the rain stopped. The clouds cleared up a little.
This is right outside our door. Yesterday, Mike the manager and Ron had worked on leveling out the big ruts in the yard with three loads of dirt. 

And then the sun came out.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was nice, sunny and warm.
As we went to bed we both commented "wonder what tomorrow will bring?"
As I reflected on how the storms came rushing in along with the downpour and hail and then the beautiful sunshine I reflected on how my life goes that way sometimes. Things can be going along just fine and then out of nowhere WHAM! Like a flat tire on the Jeep - comes unexpectedly. Do I find myself panicking or preparing to deal with things. I was told quite often a few years back "you need to reign in those wild horses. So hard to do when they are running amok and the panic and anxiety soars. But when I kept my eye on the horses, being prepared for their slightest rumblings made such a huge difference...sort of like us with the unexpected weather that hits this long as my emergency bag is packed, I have the weather radio turned on I respond much calmer and handle the storm raging outside much calmer inside the rig or the shelter.
How do you handle the unexpected storms in your life?
Are you prepared to some degree or do you freak out a bit, finding yourself surrounded chaos and panic?

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